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  • Services


    We are a full-service provider of headgear and embroidery!


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    We are your reliable partner in embroidery productions, capable of even delivering mass quantities on tight schedules. In our own facilities, we embroider around 300,000 units yearly, and 2000-3000 units daily!

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    Sewing / Knitting

    Did you know we also produce beanies from start to finish here in Vantaa? Our knitting machines create knit panels, which our expert seamstresses sew into beanies individually. Each order may be customised with different labels for example, with woven labels or imitation leather labels, giving the finished product an elegant and unique touch.

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    We are here to help you find the perfect product from our product selection, and depending on your specifications we can design an entire project from start to finish creating a complete collection. Contact us for more info!

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